Hi! I’m Michelle & I’m a recovering Type A overachiever who got sick of life being "crazy busy" all the time.  I was exhausted from juggling motherhood and a demanding career while also trying to be a good wife, friend, sister, daughter. While cooking healthy meals. And staying in shape. And having a lovely home. And volunteering at my kids' school.

You get what I’m saying.

One night I was folding laundry and listening to a podcast, and the guest was a life coach. As she explained what she did and how she helped people, I immediately thought “I want that job!” That night, I couldn’t sleep. I got up out of bed and went to computer. I googled “best life coach” and Martha Beck came up. Along with a PhD from Harvard, she also wrote a monthly column in O magazine. I was smitten. When I saw she had a life coaching school, I signed up within 24 hours. I KNEW this is what I was meant to do, despite having 2 small kids, a failing marriage, and a stressful corporate job.

Fast forward four years, and here I am, living a fully authentic life. I worked through all of my own issues with a coach. I completed my training under Martha Beck and started my own business while working at my corporate job. I got divorced. I got a puppy. I quit my job and began life coaching full time.

I am living a life that feels calm, authentic, and intentional. It is my greatest joy is to help others do the same.

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If you are looking for more legit credentials than "life was crazy and now it's amazing" here are more details about my background . . .

I have a Master's Degree in Business Communication. I worked in Corporate America for 20 years where I was responsible for simplifying businesses and leading big changes. I loved that part of my work, but I wanted to help people instead of businesses. Now I help people change and simplify their lives. The results are so much more rewarding!

If you couldn’t care less about my degrees and former career and just want to know about me as a person . . .

I’m a single mom of two adopted kids. They are my greatest joy.

I never really understood dogs until I had one, and now I love her to pieces. She’s our family therapist. She sleeps at the foot of the bed (or, who am I kidding, on the pillow) of whichever family member needs her most that day.

I love decorating and organizing. I move my furniture and redecorate rooms pretty much every weekend, much to the chagrin of my children, who are my official furniture moving assistants.

I coach girls soccer, and pray that one of the girls on my team will live out my dream of being a professional soccer player and winning the World Cup. No pressure, girls.

My family is my everything. My sister is my best friend and can make me laugh so hard I can’t breathe. I live 11 houses away from my parents and appreciate it everyday. I have a standing dinner date with my sister-in-law where we eat brussels sprouts (no one else likes them, it’s our thing!) and drink wine and discuss all that matters in the world.

I’m so grateful for the calm, peaceful, authentic, interesting, fun life I live. I’d love to help you create one, too.


I was stuck in a job I hated. My anxiety was so off the charts that I would wake up every day with butterflies in my stomach just thinking about going to work. I couldn’t eat and I was failing as an employee, friend, husband and father.

Then I started working with Michelle. She not only helped me put a plan in place with techniques to lower my anxiety, she helped me realize my potential.

Since our coaching, I’ve found the job of my dreams, my stress and anxiety are at all-time lows and I’ve been able to be the daddy and husband I want to be.

Michelle didn’t make these changes for me, I did it. But I could not have done so without the coaching, guidance, techniques and support she provided along the way.
— joseph, director of sales
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