The Most Ideal Day

When I work with my clients, we often design an “ideal day” where they tell me exactly what they’d like to do on an average day in their imagined future where they have the life they want. 

Imagine yours. 

You might start the day by waking up without an alarm, on the most luxurious sheets in a comfy bed.

Then maybe you’d enjoy a delicious breakfast prepared by someone else. You’d sip your latte without feeling rushed, and take some time to journal or read.

After taking a walk, you’d get ready and feel confident in an outfit that is comfortable and stylish. You would do a few hours of meaningful work. You’d work less than you do today, and the hours you do work would feel so much better.

You’d have plenty of alone time. You’d spend time with your family without being impatient or distracted. Your house would be clean and organized and smell like your favorite candle.

In the evening, you’d enjoy a nice meal with people you love, and maybe you wrap up the day playing a game or watching a movie with your family.

Here’s the great part. You can start implementing small pieces of your ideal day, right now.

You could get the best sheets, now. You could have a latte and not rush, today. You could schedule a game night with your family. You could wear an outfit that’s comfortable and makes you feel confident today, and if you don’t have the outfit, you could start shopping for it. You can burn your favorite candle every day. You could adjust your schedule so you can take a walk.

Starting with tiny steps - maybe you implement one small thing per week - will get you moving in the right direction. And I’m here to help you with the not-so-tiny steps. 

To the ideal days ahead!

PS  I genuinely live my ideal day most days, except that I make my own breakfast. Gotta work on that! 

PPS  When you live your ideal day most days, the less-than-ideal things that happen in life are much more manageable, too.