Posts in Change
Ep #47: Navigating Big Changes

Change is hard, whether it's a good change or a bad change, a planned change or a surprise change. The actions you take can make navigating the change easier or harder, and since change is already hard, let's make it a little easier, shall we?

Your change might be returning to work after maternity leave, getting a divorce, or moving to a new city, but these tips work no matter what type of change you're going through, so keep them in your back pocket.

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Ep #40: Really Love Your Body with Laura Conley

My guest this episode, Laura, is a friend of mine and a weight-loss coach who helps women lose weight for the last time and ditch diet culture for good. Along the way, she helps them learn to stop people-pleasing, to take the emotions out of eating, and embrace true self-love.

It's easy, as women, to put ourselves last on our lists of people to take care of - if we even make the list at all. But caring for ourselves - prioritizing caring for ourselves - is so important if we want to change our lives for the better.

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Ep #32: How to Stop Wasting Time with Vikki Louise

Ever feel like time is slipping through your fingers, no matter how many calendars, to-do lists, and productivity apps you use? My guest today has been there. Vikki Louise is a time management expert who used to be overworked and burnt out, but now owns a (very!) successful business while working just 15 hours a week. In our conversation, Vikki invites you to rethink your relationship with time and gives you tips for how to do it with gentleness and honesty.

And to top it all off, we discuss how time hacking can be crucial in navigating crises. Vicki is offering a special workshop on this very subject - a must-attend for anyone looking to gain control in these uncertain times.

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Ep #31: Rules for Working Women (& Why We Should Break Them)

Working women like us face a set of unwritten rules. We are expected not just to "do it all" but to make it look easy, too.

When we can't meet these (ridiculous!) expectations, we end up feeling badly about ourselves.

I often hear my clients say things like "everyone else can do this, why can't I", proving that each woman believes she is the only one who can't "do it all".

With the help from Brene Brown's research, and an unexpected lesson from a Barbie movie, we will talk through these societal rules and pressures. We'll shine a light on these expectations and talk about how they can affect how we see ourselves.

But don't worry, it's not all bad news! In the second part of our journey, we'll focus on how to overcome these challenges. I'll share my own experiences with these hard standards, including the times when I felt bad about myself and alone because I couldn't meet them.

We'll discuss the power of telling our own truths and how connecting with others and having meaningful conversations can help us change the story for working women everywhere. Let's be bold, be brave, and start making a difference.

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Ep #26: Are You in Victim Mentality?

Ever feel like all the bad things that happen to you are completely out of your control? Are you caught between the overwhelming urge to please others and a simmering resentment that they demand so much of you? Is everything always everyone else's fault?

If those questions rang true, you might be stuck in victim mentality, which can be draining and debilitating. But here's the good news - it's a learned behavior, which means it can be unlearned. I can help you embrace a more empowering perspective on life - let's get started!

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Ep #24: The Five Whys

Ever found yourself in a whirlwind of chaos, only to realize you're the one stirring the storm?

It can be hard to accept that we're the ones creating our own chaos (it's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me) but once we do, we can make different and better choices. I've got an easy but powerful tool to help you discover how you're getting in your own way, why you're doing it, and how to stop.

Join me as we get honest with ourselves!

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Change, Overwhelm, TipsMichelle Gauthier
Ep #23: Embracing Radical Responsibility

When things don't go your way, how do you respond? Today we're rolling up our sleeves to tackle an ambitious concept - radical responsibility. Discover how to own what's truly within your control and let go of what isn't. In doing so, you'll be well on your way to being the boss of your own life.

Are you ready to take radical responsibility and create a calmer, happier life? Let's get started!

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Tips, Change, OverwhelmMichelle Gauthier
Ep #17: How to Feel Your Feelings (& Why You Should)

Let's talk about our feelings!

If that makes you want to run away, I get it. I used to not want to talk about or feel my feelings either. But not feeling our feelings cuts us off from information about our lives, makes it hard to connect with others, and ultimately robs us of joy.

In this episode we'll talk about why we should feel our feelings, and how to do that if it doesn't come naturally to you. I have some great tools for you that will help you navigate and deal with your emotions more effectively. 

Our emotions, if we're paying attention, can offer us a wealth of insights. Come along with me on this enlightening journey!

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Ep #16: How to Change Someone

Do you ever find yourself wishing you could change someone close to you? 

Join the club! We're all getting matching shirts. 😄

But seriously - we all have people in our lives who would be so much easier to deal with if we could just tweak a few things about them. In this episode, I'm sharing how I shifted my own perspective on this and giving you steps for thinking through your situation and deciding how you want to handle it. You've got options!

And remember: the only person you can truly change is yourself.

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Ep #15: From Overwhelm to Balance with Jennifer Heal

Do you ever feel like you're drowning in work and neglecting your own well-being? Our guest (and former coaching client!) Jennifer Heal, a social media and digital marketing consultant, has been through it too. We had an amazing conversation with Jennifer, who, through coaching, learned how to overcome overwhelm, find balance, and prioritize self-care.

Listen in as she discusses her transformation and the steps she took to make meaningful changes in her life.

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Ep #14: Bonus Episode: Two Kids and a Career Podcast

When my friend Jill Devine from the Two Kids and a Career podcast reached out to me with a thought on changing ourselves versus changing others, I just knew we had to dive into this topic together! In this heart-to-heart conversation, we share our own experiences and the lessons we've learned on the journey to personal growth, including my time living in my sister's guest house during the pandemic and the inspiration behind starting The Overwhelmed Working Woman podcast. Our mission? To help fellow working moms find the tools and strategies to not feel overwhelmed in their daily lives.

In this episode, we explore the challenges of overcoming people-pleasing tendencies and empathetic overload, as well as the importance of taking responsibility for our thoughts and actions. From the difficulty of saying no to the potential positive outcomes from setting boundaries, we offer tips for managing the urge to take on other people's feelings and how to stay true to our authentic selves. Join us as we navigate the complexities of personal growth in this insightful and supportive conversation that's sure to leave you feeling empowered and ready to face life's challenges head-on.

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