Posts in Expert Interviews
Ep #58: Aligning Your Career with Your Authentic Self

Are you feeling overwhelmed in your career, striving for success but finding yourself perfectly miserable?

Many high achieving women, like you, have no idea that their feelings of overwhelm actually stem from their inner and outer worlds being out of alignment. In this episode, our guest Christina Langdon reveals how you can transform from burnout into a fulfilling career, and why it's easier than you may have thought. 

In this episode, you'll learn to: 

  1. Identify and address feelings of overwhelm and burnout in your career.

  2. Redefine success on your terms so you can find fulfillment in your work.

  3. Create a "user manual" for yourself, to enhance communication and alignment in professional settings.

Dive into this insightful conversation to discover practical strategies for finding fulfillment and alignment in your career.

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Ep #56: Prioritizing Pleasure

Has sex, or pleasure of any kind, fallen to the bottom of your to-do list?  A fulfilling and happy sex life has been shown to reduce stress and overwhelm. 

In this episode, we have renowned sex and relationship podcast host Danielle Savory to teach you how to reclaim pleasure in and outside of the bedroom.  Danielle shares her expertise in neuropsychology, mindfulness, and somatics to help women tap into personal growth through the lens of sexual and sensual pleasure. 

Discover how reclaiming pleasure can lead to profound transformations in not only your sex life, but your whole life. 

In this episode you'll learn: 

  1. How to experience more pleasure and less overwhelm with sex.

  2. The power of pleasure in rewiring your brain for motivation & creativity.

  3. Practical strategies for prioritizing pleasure and reclaiming your sexuality.

Ready to reclaim your pleasure and transform your life? Tune in to the episode now to revitalize your wellbeing starting today.

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Ep #54: Reducing Overwhelm at Home: How To Raise Happy Teens Using Boundaries & Mindfulness

Do you feel like parenting a teenager harder than navigating a maze blindfolded? 

As a parent, it can be overwhelming when your sweet child transforms into a seemingly impossible-to-understand teenager. Jennifer Delliquadri, a life coach who works with teenagers and parents of teens,  sheds light on how to reduce conflict with your teen and better understand their mood swings to reduce overwhelm  and foster a closer, more productive relationship. 

In this episode, you'll learn: 

  • Why teenagers pull away from their parents, and how to navigate these challenging years without feeling overwhelmed. 

  • Practical strategies for fostering independence in your teen while maintaining a strong, supportive relationship.

  • The simple yet powerful step of validating your teen's emotions and setting healthy boundaries for respectful communication.

Ready to transform your relationship with your teenager? Tune in to this episode for expert advice from Jennifer Delliquadri.

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Ep #50: Bring the Fun with Susan Hyatt

What if I told you that success doesn't have to mean working as hard as possible as often as possible? What if it could be... fun? Susan Hyatt, a best-selling author and master certified life and business coach, is here to tell you it can!

Join Susan and I for an upbeat, inspiring, fun conversation about achieving your goals without succumbing to burnout and overwhelm.

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Ep #48: How Your Closet Shapes Your Day with Laura Sawyier

Have you ever noticed how you feel when you're wearing something you love vs. when you're wearing something you just threw on? Your wardrobe choices have a bigger impact on how you see yourself and how you show up in the world than you might think.

Join me as I chat with the fabulous Laura Sawyier, a wardrobe stylist who leans into the applied psychology of fashion to simplify her clients' lives and help them look and feel their best. No matter your current relationship to your wardrobe, this episode is for you. πŸ’ƒ

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Ep #43: Overcome Imposter Syndrome with Leigha May

You've just gotten a promotion that you asked for. Hooray! Everything is awesome - until your brain suggests that you actually don't know what you're doing. You can't do it. You're a fraud. And soon everyone will find out.

Sound familiar? Welcome to the world of imposter syndrome.

My dear friend and fellow coach, Leigha May, joins me on this episode to talk about imposter syndrome and to give us some practical strategies on how to beat it. Our minds can sometimes amplify the challenges in front of us, but those are just thoughts, and we can always choose a new thought.

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Ep #41: Follow Your Own Rules with Lindsay Dotzlaf

My guest today is my former coach and general beacon of calm and intentionality, Lindsay Dotzlaf.

What always impresses me about Lindsay is her lack of overwhelm, and I'm so happy she's sharing her wisdom with us! One of her keys to avoiding overwhelm is setting rules for ourselves (ie, no housework during work hours) so that we don't drown in decision making. Remember: you don't have to decide if you've already decided!

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Ep #40: Really Love Your Body with Laura Conley

My guest this episode, Laura, is a friend of mine and a weight-loss coach who helps women lose weight for the last time and ditch diet culture for good. Along the way, she helps them learn to stop people-pleasing, to take the emotions out of eating, and embrace true self-love.

It's easy, as women, to put ourselves last on our lists of people to take care of - if we even make the list at all. But caring for ourselves - prioritizing caring for ourselves - is so important if we want to change our lives for the better.

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Ep #38: Building Families Through Adoption

Welcome to Part 2 of my chat with Tommy Geary! This episode is mostly about our experiences with adoption - Tommy (and his wife) and I are both adoptive parents - but there are coaching nuggets in there as well.

Adoption is an incredibly beautiful, joyful, and heartbreaking journey, and I love to talk about it. We hope our stories will resonate with those who have adopted, are considering adoption, or simply have a heart for this beautiful way of creating a family.

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Ep #34: Dad Talk with a Pro with Tommy Geary

Today on the podcast we’re talking about Dads. (Yep, you read that right! 🀣)

I invited my friend and fellow coach Tommy Geary (who coaches overwhelmed and stressed out Dads) to be a guest expert today in an effort to help us understand the unique pressures that men face.

We dig into the challenges faced by fathers and the importance of their self care. Tommy explains the pressure men feel to be good providers and fathers simultaneously, the impact of that pressure on their mental health, and ways to navigate the journey of fatherhood successfully. 

By seeking support, managing anger, and finding balance, dads can embrace the joys of fatherhood while nurturing their own well-being. 

ALSO! Tommy and I had an in depth conversation about adoption (we each have 2 adopted children) which will come out later this month in support of National Adoption Month. πŸ’—

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