Posts in Overwhelm
Ep #58: Aligning Your Career with Your Authentic Self

Are you feeling overwhelmed in your career, striving for success but finding yourself perfectly miserable?

Many high achieving women, like you, have no idea that their feelings of overwhelm actually stem from their inner and outer worlds being out of alignment. In this episode, our guest Christina Langdon reveals how you can transform from burnout into a fulfilling career, and why it's easier than you may have thought. 

In this episode, you'll learn to: 

  1. Identify and address feelings of overwhelm and burnout in your career.

  2. Redefine success on your terms so you can find fulfillment in your work.

  3. Create a "user manual" for yourself, to enhance communication and alignment in professional settings.

Dive into this insightful conversation to discover practical strategies for finding fulfillment and alignment in your career.

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Ep #53: How To Clear Your Mind With This 5-Minute Mindfulness & Time Management Strategy

Are you tired of feeling like your brain is bursting at the seams? 

In today's fast-paced world, overwhelm is a common experience, leaving you feeling scattered and stuck. This episode offers a solution to the invisible mental load we carry, providing practical strategies to unload and regain focus.

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • A simple technique to make your mental load visible and manageable.

  • The power of decluttering your mind to enhance productivity and reduce stress.

  • How to prioritize tasks and take actionable steps towards clarity and calm.

Ready to declutter your mind and reclaim your focus? Tune in now to learn how to transform overwhelm into productivity with practical tips you can implement today.

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Ep #52: Using New Tools to Build a New Life with Julia Pancoast

Happy 1st birthday to the Overwhelmed Working Woman podcast! We're celebrating all month long, with great episodes and fun giveaways.

This week's episode is an interview with a 2-time client of mine, Julia Pancoast, who learned some new tools from coaching that helped her build a new life for herself and her family. You'll hear why she decided to quit her job (and how she doubled her old salary in her new business!) by putting her family first, being diligent with her morning routine, and using an evidence journal.

And we've got an awesome t-shirt giveaway - just write us a review and then fill out this form to let us know you did it, and you'll be entered to win an exclusive Overwhelmed Working Woman t-shirt!

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Ep #51: The Calendar Clean-Out

There are only so many hours in a day. And there are only so many hours in a day that you can fill with to-dos and meetings and appointments before you exhaust yourself completely.

If you've ever tried (and failed) to fit too many tasks into too few hours, the Calendar Clean-Out is for you!

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Ep #50: Bring the Fun with Susan Hyatt

What if I told you that success doesn't have to mean working as hard as possible as often as possible? What if it could be... fun? Susan Hyatt, a best-selling author and master certified life and business coach, is here to tell you it can!

Join Susan and I for an upbeat, inspiring, fun conversation about achieving your goals without succumbing to burnout and overwhelm.

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Ep #49: Break Through Decision Fatigue

Has your computer ever been running really slowly, and you can't figure out why, and then you look and realize you have 28 tabs open? Your computer can't run well with too many things draining its processing power, and neither can you.

When you have too many things taking up space in your brain, you can feel overwhelmed and start making low-quality decisions. Some decision-making in life is inevitable, but I can help you streamline your day and make the most of your mental energy.

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Ep #47: Navigating Big Changes

Change is hard, whether it's a good change or a bad change, a planned change or a surprise change. The actions you take can make navigating the change easier or harder, and since change is already hard, let's make it a little easier, shall we?

Your change might be returning to work after maternity leave, getting a divorce, or moving to a new city, but these tips work no matter what type of change you're going through, so keep them in your back pocket.

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Ep #41: Follow Your Own Rules with Lindsay Dotzlaf

My guest today is my former coach and general beacon of calm and intentionality, Lindsay Dotzlaf.

What always impresses me about Lindsay is her lack of overwhelm, and I'm so happy she's sharing her wisdom with us! One of her keys to avoiding overwhelm is setting rules for ourselves (ie, no housework during work hours) so that we don't drown in decision making. Remember: you don't have to decide if you've already decided!

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Ep #37: How to Be Present

Being "present" has become a bit of a buzz word these days, but it's not just another new age-y concept meant to make you feel bad about how you're living. Being present can reduce stress, help you get more done than multi-tasking (true story!), and best of all, allow to you really live and enjoy your life.

If being fully present doesn't come easily to you, that's okay! It just takes practice, and I'm here to help!

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Tips, OverwhelmMichelle Gauthier
Ep #35: How to *Enjoy* the Holidays

Feeling overwhelmed by the holiday season? I've got you covered.

I have three tips for you that I promise will make your holiday season more about joy and less about stress: focus on the top, drop the bottom, and curate the middle.

This strategy will save you precious time and energy that you can redirect towards doing what you actually *want* to do - whatever that top priority is for you.

Tune in and have yourself a merry little Christmas!

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Ep #34: Dad Talk with a Pro with Tommy Geary

Today on the podcast we’re talking about Dads. (Yep, you read that right! 🤣)

I invited my friend and fellow coach Tommy Geary (who coaches overwhelmed and stressed out Dads) to be a guest expert today in an effort to help us understand the unique pressures that men face.

We dig into the challenges faced by fathers and the importance of their self care. Tommy explains the pressure men feel to be good providers and fathers simultaneously, the impact of that pressure on their mental health, and ways to navigate the journey of fatherhood successfully. 

By seeking support, managing anger, and finding balance, dads can embrace the joys of fatherhood while nurturing their own well-being. 

ALSO! Tommy and I had an in depth conversation about adoption (we each have 2 adopted children) which will come out later this month in support of National Adoption Month. 💗

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Ep #33: The Stress (& Joy) of Thanksgiving

Welcome to the Overwhelmed Working Woman podcast: Thanksgiving edition. 🦃

The holidays can be fun, but they can also add stress to our already stressful lives. Fear not - there are some simple and effective things you can do to lower the stress. From re-framing how you talk about your plans to getting really clear on what you actually want to do, you can feel more empowered and less exasperated.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Tips, OverwhelmMichelle Gauthier
Ep #30: The Invisible Workload of Women

Have you ever been tired, but unable to figure out why? It might be the invisible work that you’ve been doing – anticipating, identifying, deciding, and monitoring all the things.

This unseen mental labor consumes a ton of time and mental energy, and, as always, the first step to making an improvement is to notice what’s happening. Join me as we talk through the invisible workload of women and what we can do to share the load a bit. And hey – give yourself some kudos for all of that work you do!

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OverwhelmMichelle Gauthier
Ep #24: The Five Whys

Ever found yourself in a whirlwind of chaos, only to realize you're the one stirring the storm?

It can be hard to accept that we're the ones creating our own chaos (it's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me) but once we do, we can make different and better choices. I've got an easy but powerful tool to help you discover how you're getting in your own way, why you're doing it, and how to stop.

Join me as we get honest with ourselves!

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Change, Overwhelm, TipsMichelle Gauthier
Ep #23: Embracing Radical Responsibility

When things don't go your way, how do you respond? Today we're rolling up our sleeves to tackle an ambitious concept - radical responsibility. Discover how to own what's truly within your control and let go of what isn't. In doing so, you'll be well on your way to being the boss of your own life.

Are you ready to take radical responsibility and create a calmer, happier life? Let's get started!

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Tips, Change, OverwhelmMichelle Gauthier
Ep #21: The Downside of Being a Capable Woman

Ever found yourself buried under a mountain of responsibility simply because you're highly capable? 

Being capable is great, and in so many ways it serves us well. But when we want/need to always be the problem solver,  it can lead to overwhelm, stress, and resentment. Together, we'll explore how you can still be the powerful, capable woman you are, without succumbing to the pitfalls of doing it all.

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Ep #19: The Power of Routines

Routines get a bad rap because they're associated with boredom, but if you use them effectively, the results are anything but boring. I've got some great easy-to-implement routine ideas in this episode that just might transform your life.

Some routines (like my Fresh Start Morning Routine) help you be more intentional and present. Other routines (like planning meals) can free up your brain so you can do all sorts of awesome things that otherwise you might not have had the emotional bandwidth for.
Join me as we embrace routines! 

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Ep #18: From Overwhelmed to Fulfilled with Tara Perman

My guest today is my friend and former client Tara Perman. When we started coaching, Tara was feeling uninspired with her successful career of 23 years.

She was the primary parent in her household and COVID had taken its toll - she was frustrated with trying to manage everything. She knew she wanted to change careers, but was afraid to take the plunge.

The first thing we worked on was the idea that the fear of change was real and would always be there. Tara learned to move forward with her business while feeling the fear instead of waiting for it to go away. She stuck with her plan to become a career coach, even when it felt hard.

Things changed at home, too. She put in her notice before a family vacation, much earlier than she had previously planned. She fully enjoyed vacation with her family for the first time. She decided to spend the whole summer with her kids, without the stress of working, for the first time.

She marketed her new business even when it felt scary. When she felt stuck, she would just take one tiny step in the direction of her new life.

She now has a successful coaching business and just took a month-long vacation to Europe with her husband and kids for the second summer in a row. 

Tune in and listen to Tara’s full story!

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Ep #13: Habits to Create a Calm Life

Overwhelm is kind of like having a cavity. There's something you can do about it after you get one - go to the dentist and have it filled. But there's also things you can do before to prevent every getting a cavity at all. It's the same with overwhelm - there are things you can do after it happens, and there are also ways to (mostly) overwhelm-proof your life.

In today's episode I'll share 3 areas to focus on to help prevent overwhelm, and share strategies for incorporating these tips into your life without adding to your stress.

Tune in, then try out a tip or two and let me know how it goes!

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Ep #11: The Power of a To-Don't List

This week's episode is all about the power of a to-don't list and how it can help you simplify your life.

Join me as we dive into my own to-don't list, from refusing to wear uncomfortable clothes to setting work-life boundaries. I'll share stories about my Grandma Gauthier and her clear refusal to do any yard work or pump her own gas.

I’ll also encourage you to create your own to-don't list, and tell you exactly how. Tune in, and let's take control of our lives together by embracing the power of a to-don't list!

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