Posts in Tips
Ep #55: 10 Simple Ways to Feel Less Overwhelmed

Would you like a succinct list of ways to feel less overwhelmed and things you can do to save time? 

In this episode, you'll discover practical strategies from 4 successful former clients. You'll get peek inside their lives to learn some practical strategies that can help you, too, including: 

  1. Practical calendar management to go from frozen with overwhelm to planned and productive. 

  2. How to set boundaries and say no to prioritize your well-being and time management.

  3. Simple routines that work - for you and your family. 

Ready to conquer overwhelm and reclaim your time? Tune in to the episode now and unlock practical strategies to streamline your home and work life.

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TipsMichelle Gauthier
Ep #54: Reducing Overwhelm at Home: How To Raise Happy Teens Using Boundaries & Mindfulness

Do you feel like parenting a teenager harder than navigating a maze blindfolded? 

As a parent, it can be overwhelming when your sweet child transforms into a seemingly impossible-to-understand teenager. Jennifer Delliquadri, a life coach who works with teenagers and parents of teens,  sheds light on how to reduce conflict with your teen and better understand their mood swings to reduce overwhelm  and foster a closer, more productive relationship. 

In this episode, you'll learn: 

  • Why teenagers pull away from their parents, and how to navigate these challenging years without feeling overwhelmed. 

  • Practical strategies for fostering independence in your teen while maintaining a strong, supportive relationship.

  • The simple yet powerful step of validating your teen's emotions and setting healthy boundaries for respectful communication.

Ready to transform your relationship with your teenager? Tune in to this episode for expert advice from Jennifer Delliquadri.

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Ep #53: How To Clear Your Mind With This 5-Minute Mindfulness & Time Management Strategy

Are you tired of feeling like your brain is bursting at the seams? 

In today's fast-paced world, overwhelm is a common experience, leaving you feeling scattered and stuck. This episode offers a solution to the invisible mental load we carry, providing practical strategies to unload and regain focus.

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • A simple technique to make your mental load visible and manageable.

  • The power of decluttering your mind to enhance productivity and reduce stress.

  • How to prioritize tasks and take actionable steps towards clarity and calm.

Ready to declutter your mind and reclaim your focus? Tune in now to learn how to transform overwhelm into productivity with practical tips you can implement today.

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Ep #51: The Calendar Clean-Out

There are only so many hours in a day. And there are only so many hours in a day that you can fill with to-dos and meetings and appointments before you exhaust yourself completely.

If you've ever tried (and failed) to fit too many tasks into too few hours, the Calendar Clean-Out is for you!

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Ep #49: Break Through Decision Fatigue

Has your computer ever been running really slowly, and you can't figure out why, and then you look and realize you have 28 tabs open? Your computer can't run well with too many things draining its processing power, and neither can you.

When you have too many things taking up space in your brain, you can feel overwhelmed and start making low-quality decisions. Some decision-making in life is inevitable, but I can help you streamline your day and make the most of your mental energy.

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Ep #48: How Your Closet Shapes Your Day with Laura Sawyier

Have you ever noticed how you feel when you're wearing something you love vs. when you're wearing something you just threw on? Your wardrobe choices have a bigger impact on how you see yourself and how you show up in the world than you might think.

Join me as I chat with the fabulous Laura Sawyier, a wardrobe stylist who leans into the applied psychology of fashion to simplify her clients' lives and help them look and feel their best. No matter your current relationship to your wardrobe, this episode is for you. 💃

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Ep #47: Navigating Big Changes

Change is hard, whether it's a good change or a bad change, a planned change or a surprise change. The actions you take can make navigating the change easier or harder, and since change is already hard, let's make it a little easier, shall we?

Your change might be returning to work after maternity leave, getting a divorce, or moving to a new city, but these tips work no matter what type of change you're going through, so keep them in your back pocket.

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Ep #46: Beat Procrastination with Sarah Arnold-Hall

Procrastination doesn't have to look like binge-watching the newest true crime docuseries on Netflix instead of doing your taxes. Sometimes, it looks like being a busy person who gets lots of things done - just not the right things.

Join me as I chat with Sarah Arnold-Hall, an awesome coach who specializes in helping people achieve their goals, and hear her tips on conquering productive procrastination and getting the results you want.

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TipsMichelle Gauthier
Ep #44: The Magic of Manifesting

The law of attraction says that we attract what we focus on, which is another way of saying something I've been telling my clients for years: your thoughts create your results. It's not magic (okay, it's a *little* magic) - it's something you can learn and use to improve your life. Give it a try - you've got nothing to lose!

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Ep #43: Overcome Imposter Syndrome with Leigha May

You've just gotten a promotion that you asked for. Hooray! Everything is awesome - until your brain suggests that you actually don't know what you're doing. You can't do it. You're a fraud. And soon everyone will find out.

Sound familiar? Welcome to the world of imposter syndrome.

My dear friend and fellow coach, Leigha May, joins me on this episode to talk about imposter syndrome and to give us some practical strategies on how to beat it. Our minds can sometimes amplify the challenges in front of us, but those are just thoughts, and we can always choose a new thought.

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Ep #40: Really Love Your Body with Laura Conley

My guest this episode, Laura, is a friend of mine and a weight-loss coach who helps women lose weight for the last time and ditch diet culture for good. Along the way, she helps them learn to stop people-pleasing, to take the emotions out of eating, and embrace true self-love.

It's easy, as women, to put ourselves last on our lists of people to take care of - if we even make the list at all. But caring for ourselves - prioritizing caring for ourselves - is so important if we want to change our lives for the better.

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Ep #37: How to Be Present

Being "present" has become a bit of a buzz word these days, but it's not just another new age-y concept meant to make you feel bad about how you're living. Being present can reduce stress, help you get more done than multi-tasking (true story!), and best of all, allow to you really live and enjoy your life.

If being fully present doesn't come easily to you, that's okay! It just takes practice, and I'm here to help!

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Tips, OverwhelmMichelle Gauthier
Ep #36: Stop Over-Apologizing

Have you ever caught yourself uttering a quick "I'm sorry" even when there's nothing for you to apologize for? Have you ever wondered why we do that?

Apologies are important when we've actually made a mistake or hurt someone's feelings, but far too often, women apologize for things like asking a question or shopping for shampoo at the same time as someone else. Let's stop over-apologizing and just say what we mean!

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Ep #33: The Stress (& Joy) of Thanksgiving

Welcome to the Overwhelmed Working Woman podcast: Thanksgiving edition. 🦃

The holidays can be fun, but they can also add stress to our already stressful lives. Fear not - there are some simple and effective things you can do to lower the stress. From re-framing how you talk about your plans to getting really clear on what you actually want to do, you can feel more empowered and less exasperated.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Tips, OverwhelmMichelle Gauthier
Ep #29: Better Self-Talk

We can't control our thoughts, so we're just stuck with them, right? Wrong.

It's true that we don't choose or control what thoughts pop into our heads, but we can decide how we respond. I've got a simple but powerful tool that will help you replace the gloom-and-doom voice in your head with a more positive one. You'll learn to catch your negative thoughts, inspect them non-judgmentally, and swap them out for better self-talk.

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Ep #27: Conquering Problem-Solving: Get Un-Stuck

We all have problems. Some are big, some are small, and some are in the middle. If you've ever struggled with how to solve a problem, you know that it can feel paralyzing, but it doesn't have to! I have an awesome tool that will help you solve any problem without resorting to Band-Aids or buffers.

So if you're ready to get un-stuck and tackle some of the problems in your life, let's go!

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TipsMichelle Gauthier
Ep #26: Are You in Victim Mentality?

Ever feel like all the bad things that happen to you are completely out of your control? Are you caught between the overwhelming urge to please others and a simmering resentment that they demand so much of you? Is everything always everyone else's fault?

If those questions rang true, you might be stuck in victim mentality, which can be draining and debilitating. But here's the good news - it's a learned behavior, which means it can be unlearned. I can help you embrace a more empowering perspective on life - let's get started!

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Ep #24: The Five Whys

Ever found yourself in a whirlwind of chaos, only to realize you're the one stirring the storm?

It can be hard to accept that we're the ones creating our own chaos (it's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me) but once we do, we can make different and better choices. I've got an easy but powerful tool to help you discover how you're getting in your own way, why you're doing it, and how to stop.

Join me as we get honest with ourselves!

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Change, Overwhelm, TipsMichelle Gauthier